Wujek-John, zaczęłam drążyć twoje, bardzo istotne zresztą, pytanie (wstyd się przyznać, ale sama wcześniej o tym nie pomyślałam, chociaż sama chwaliłam ten serwis tu na forum) i takie coś znalazłam:
Is Livemocha free?
Membership is completely free. Your membership includes lots of free features: chat, flashcards, messaging, making friends, and more.
If you want to learn with a language course, we offer both free and paid options.
You can learn for free with Basic courses 101, 102, 201 and 202. These courses include Learn, Review, Write and Speak exercises, of which the Learn exercise is always available at no cost.
Some languages will require you to unlock the other exercises by earning a high teacher score, or you can get immediate access by upgrading to the Plus version of your course. Plus courses also include PDF, video and audio downloads so you can study offline.
Other paid options include Travel Crash Courses and Active Courses.