
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mógłby mi ktoś przetłumaczyć ten dialog w reastauracji z angielskiego na francuski bardzo bym prosił
The waitress:
Smoking or non-smoking?
This way, please.
Would you like something to drink?
What kind of beer would you like?
Are you ready to order?
How would you like your steak?
.....(rare, medium, well done)
How would you like your potato?
.....(baked, mashed, fried, French fries)
What vegetable would you like?
What kind of salad dressing would you like?
How would you like your coffee?
.....(black, cream, sugar, decaf)
Would you care for dessert?
Is everything all right?

The customer:
Waitress! / Waiter!
Coffee, please.
Do you have apple pie?
I'd like a hamburger, please.
This is cold.
Check, please.
rozbrajajacy jestes ... ;))


Życie, praca, nauka