Zaprzyjaźniona rodzina we Francji, przesłała taką oto ofertę pracy w ich zamku (Chateau Petit Sonnailler). Są to ludzie sympatyczni, porządnii i uczciwi. Ja niestety nie mogę skorzystać z oferty, ponieważ znalazłem już pracę w Polsce (btw, głównie dzięki doświadczeniu jakie zdobyłem pracując u tej rodziny). Oto wysłana przez nich oferta (PS: ja osobiście negocjowałbym podniesienie stawki chociaż o 50-100 euro. Może jest to tylko 30h pracy w tygodniu, pełny wikt i opierunek ale myslę, że zaproponowana kwota mogłaby być trochę wyższa)
Description :
we are looking for someone to help us in our house for a year.
My husband is a wine maker and we have a vineyard in Provence with a small B & B (3 bedrooms) that is run by my mother in law. I'm a translator.
The job is to assist us in the running of the house on a daily basis so it can vary from day to day. We have a little boy who is 7 years old, Charles.
The tasks are as follows :
30 hours work per week : preparing and serving breakfast, cleaning bedrooms, ironing, occasionally shopping for the house and cooking, feeding the large chimney fire with wood in the winter. Baby sitting occasionally.
My mother in law may require some assistance from time to time for small shopping items or others.
We already have an au pair girl at the moment who will go back to Poland in September and we've welcomed students from abroad regularly in the past few years. Your brother will have his own private bedroom.
We have two possibilities for the contract.
- Contrat "stagiaire aide familial étranger" :
If the person wants to go to school, it's the best solution. We pay the courses at the "Alliance Française" in Aix-en-Provence (30mn drive from the house) where he/she will get a certificate after the exam and he can use our car to go to school.
Money is 300 euros per month. School is compulsory in this contract.
- Contrat "au pair" :
School is not compulsory. We don't pay for the courses. The money is 400 euros par months but we can't give you a car. However, a valid driving license is necessary for the shopping needs in the house.
If you're interested, please send me a detailed CV with experience and study. The job will start end of September.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Please contact me at this email address.
Best regards,
Christelle Stalport-Brulat
Tél : + 33 (0)4 9[tel]Mobile : +33 (0)6 81 15 57 58
edytowany przez pkrzysiek89p: 08 sie 2014